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Dog Cognitive Disorder
Dogs can be affected by a degenerative disease like Alzheimer's disease in humans. This is formally called canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS). Similar to the symptoms of Alzheimer disease in humans, dog cognitive dysfunction syndrome causes behavioral changes that are not normal in the canine aging process. This condition affects mostly dogs aged 11 years and above. There are similar studies about this dog health issue that revealed that 48% of dogs with ages 8 years and older, 62% of dogs 11 to 16 years of age and 100% of dogs 16 years of age and older exhibited at least one of the changes that occurs in dogs with cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS).

The symptoms of cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) in dogs can be abbreviated with the following acronym: D.I.S.H.

D - Disorientation
I - Interaction changes
S - Sleep changes
H - House soiling

Dogs who have CDS or cognitive dysfunction syndrome have been seen to be disoriented with familiar surroundings. Your dog with CDS can have a hard time locating his favorite area where he naps or sleeps. In some cases, your dog will have a harder time of locating your doors. Regarding interaction changes, he may not remember to do as he is commanded; even simple commands like “Stay” and “Sit” can elicit strange responses from your dog. Dog with this kind of dog health problem may not even recognize your family members, familiar people or your friends; he may even act hostile to them. Sleep habits of your dog may change with this condition, he may sleep more during daytime than at night; depression can also be seen wherein your dog seems lethargic and lack energy or enthusiasm with favorite activities.

About the house soiling category of symptoms, house-trained dogs may have accidents in your house. Your dog may even forget where he is and have a hard time making his way around your house. He will usually urinates and defecates anywhere or even inside the house.

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome in itself is not fatal to your dogs, but complications arising from this disease can seriously harm your dog health. The symptoms like disorientation and interaction changes can lead to situations that can seriously physically and emotionally harm your beloved dog.

If your dog is exhibiting the above-mentioned behavior or symptoms for no apparent reason, it's wise and best to consult your veterinarian for proper recommendation to alleviate and control this dog health problem.

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Posted by Faith at 5:50 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dog Health Care, Dog Health Problem
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Flee From Dog Fleas
When it comes to being a dog owner, do you care enough and are attentive to your pooch? Are you that vigilant when it comes to your dog health? If so, then maybe battling with a creature that's so fast, nearly invisible, irritating, can cause itchiness and can jump high and fast, wont be any greater problem for you. What I am referring to is one parasite that can contribute to harming and troubling your dog's health – DOG FLEAS!

If you happen to see your dog scratching like hell, well, don't just think that your dog may have some allergies. Although you are also more likely to panic and go around see what you can do to give remedy to that itchiness that you think allergies may have caused, the treatments for parasite infestation may differ and have some variant effects. When it comes to your dog health, you should be as alert and as knowledgeable so that you can take good care of things by yourself without even going to see a veterinarian. The type of control depends on the extent of the dog's problem and the preferences of the dog's owner. Take these things into consideration to prevent or cure the fleas infestation in your dog:

1.The best thing that you do first, is to check what may have caused your dog's itchiness.
In order for you to know and confirm if your dog is infected or been bitten by fleas, you should observe your dog if he/she bites at his rear end especially around his tail or the inside or outside of his thighs. The tapeworm or the skin bumps may be one of the signs that the fleas are present. Small red raised bumps on the base of the tail and along the outside of the back legs, self-induced scratches, and thickened skin on the base of the tail are all signs of chronic flea allergy. The diagnosis can be confirmed with an intradermal skin allergy test.

2. Check your house for some fleas especially the place where your dog sleeps.
You are more likely to detect whether there are fleas around through its “droppings” or flea dirt. It looks like sprinkled pepper on the dog's fur or skin. If you drop some of this "pepper" onto a damp paper towel and it turns reddish, it's fleas, and not seasoning. You can check out if your dog has those droppings when you take your pooch to a good bath and then use a flea comb to brush away the flea dirts and even some flea themselves. Flea combs are specially made fine-toothed comb that could trap fleas and flea eggs on your dog’s fur. Use dog shampoos or those designed to suffocate fleas thus killing them when you give your dog a bath. Clean the places where fleas are possibly to hiding or and laying their eggs. They have a great ability of jumping fast from host to host so you really should take so much precautions. Use flea sprays to prevent them from coming back and to kill flea eggs that can bring about more trouble to you and your dog health.

3.The use of pill or topical application take less effort.
But they should not be used alone in a heavy infestation because they do not treat the environment. The pill works when flea bites dog, so may not be suitable for an allergic dog. The topical solutions kill adult fleas and have some residual action as long as they remain on the pet's hair — even hair that has been shed on carpets and furniture.

Some synthetic insecticides may be harmful to your dog health that's why it is advisable to use home remedies instead if you want to get rid or prevent dog fleas from troubling you and your dog. Whatever strategy you use to ensure your dog health, it doesn't matter as long as you give prior attention and dedication towards achieving the desired results. And of course when in doubt, always seek for veterinarian's help.

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Posted by Faith at 11:25 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Dog Health Care, Dog Health Problem
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