Deputy Shoots Dog

Jean Cote

Staff member
OK This is getting out of hand. An Idaho Sheriff Deputy knocks on someone's door and demands to see their dog, so that he can kill it. Supposedly because he has "bitten" someone, without providing any proof of this.

Lukily the dog is still alive, if you watch the video on the link you can see where the bullets hit the dog.

I really wish the U.S. would get their country back together!


Honored Member
Staff member
People can be so stupid. There's a reason why dogs are labeled "man's best friend." :dogdry:


Well-Known Member
The more I see people the more I love animals!!! As an American I am ashamed this has happened. We are supposed to respect our law officials and government but as you can see now why I do not trust the S.O.B.'s


Well-Known Member
I really hope this officer is held responsible for this!!! He is no better than Michael Vick!! I would not be suprised if nothing happens though as cops are often held above the law. I just hope an animal rights group goes after this. If in fact the dog did bite someone and needed to be put down, it should have been brought in and put down humanely, after an investigation was complete!!