How fun and interesting that so many of us are all working on same trick in same week!! Adds to the fun, doesn't it??
Yes, @Sara, i so understand, Buddy is SAME way-----sometimes, Buddy struggles with a cue that to ME, seems simple enough, while cues that i *think* will be quite complex, Buddy nails those effortlessly! Aren't dogs fascinating!?
When i began putting target on opposite side, Buddy used opposite paw, his chin, both paws, also squirmed his body into new positon to avoid crossing his legs, everything BUT crossing his paw! I was going too fast at first i guess. Plus, like i mentioed above, in trying to SOLIDIFY Buddy's understanding of RIGHT PAW ONLY, ---------in that not-challenging, boring training----Buddy got bored and seemed to think the whole idea was nonsense, let's go play instead, ha ha...
Buddy is working on his right leg ONLY at this point, i have not yet begun left paw training.
I found with Buddy, that when i went to move towel (or target item) from center of his paws, to the other side, ---------------that IF IF IF i placed item ON TOP OF his other foot, that messed Buddy up. HOwever, if i went towards END of his opposite foot,(THE TOE AREA) for some reason, Buddy continued to use only his Rpaw, as requested.
And then, from placing target item next to toe area of left foot, i went to outside of his left foot. NOt sure if that applies to any dog except Buddy, but if i placed the target item ON TOP OF the other paw--------that messed him up.
Buddy has now worked through his 'dislike' or frustration with cross-paws, and NOW happily participates whole heartedly, (he HAD been acting bored about the process, he has MOST expressive face). Buddy needed higher, more enthusiastic praise, which for HIM, is better than liver, to continue working on it....
I am out of liver right now, so i'm using tiny smears of peanut butter, i have an almost empty jar of peanut butter, JUST FOR THE DOG,
labelled it "Dog's!!",
hid it from everyone else,
and i can dip my finger in it for smear for rewards.
Buddy NOW is reliabley crossing his legs and targetting the towel with his R paw only. I have not yet begun to fade out the towel....
i feel pretty sure, for Buddy, i will have to use an entirely DIFFERENT object for his Left paw to target....someone around here said it is not necessary to use 2nd object for 2nd paw, but, i suspect, for Buddy, he WILL need entirely new object for his other paw. Buddy is VERY specific.
And, per Buddy's own custom, AFTER Buddy fully understands a cue, Buddy almost always tests the limits, by adding in or removing a step. He does this for one (1) entire lesson, and almost seems to smirk, if you can pictue a dog smirking. He KNOWS the cue now, but, will test to see, If i do this, do i get treat? no? okay then, if i add in THIS, do i get a treat? no? okay, how about THIS?
This is different from offered behaviors when BUddy is confused, and still trying to figure out the cue, but, it's hard to explain, but, i know that is Buddy doing his customary testing of how far a cue works/what all can be added in, -----AFTER he DOES understand the cue........
i know Buddy, and that is part of his learning process with tricks he did not originally like....he adds in/removes lil things, JUST TO CHECK if those things can be added in....
He never does this with tricks he loved right off, though. .....ONLY with cues he showed an obvious distaste for at first.