Heh...heh... I don't really have this problem. As soon as someone gets within Little Joe's reactive radius, he goes into his manic, barking and lunging routine. Few people dare to continue to approach at that point, although I'm sometimes surprised when people stop and ask about whether he really would bite. At that point I can sometimes get Joey to calm down enough to accept a pat, but rarely. We're working on the reactivity, and his radius has shrunk quite a bit over the last 6 months. At the moment I'm happy if he can sit calmly and eat the treat thrown by a stranger from a short distance away.
My real horror scenario is a toddler running straight for my dogs with no parents within reach. I'm not worried about Bonnie since she's most likely going to just back away or sometimes allow petting and get in a few friendly licks. Even if she jumps up on a toddler, nothing horrible will happen since Bonnie weighs less than 10 kilos. She might be barky but has excellent bite inhibition. But Little Joe is a fear biter, has once already bitten in the past (not bad, but did break the skin), and will most likely do it again if I allow such a situation to develop. It's bad enough dealing with loose dogs running around, but uncontrolled young children really give me the shivers.
Hmm... guess there's no appropriate choice for me again. I'd need a choice like "If someone is brave enough to approach, and accepts all risks, then be my guest" :dogtongue2: