Honored Member
I was looking through photo's of Lewis from when we first got him today (to find one of his messy feet for another thread) and I found it a mazing how his appearance has changed in the nearly 15 months that we have had him. I guess it is part of his journey.
He was 3 years old when we got him so he should have all of his adult characteristics, so he is 4 now.
Here's a pic from when we got him (I think it was the next day - he was so worried and uncomfortable, you can see it) 9th of December 2012:

Here he is once he had settled in a bit and his smile had appeared, 27th December 2012:

A couple of months later, 27th of March 2013 (he wasn't allowed off lead yet):

28th of May:

16th of August:

5th of October:

30th of November:

1st of February 2014:

22nd of February:

23rd of February (the most recent photo I have of him):

I find it truly amazing how much he has changed in personality and especially appearance. He has been an adult dog the entire time that we have had him but his coat has changed so much, I didn't really realise until I was looking at the old photo's.
Has anyone else adopted a dog and noticed a major change in their appearance despite them already being an adult at the time of adoption?
He was 3 years old when we got him so he should have all of his adult characteristics, so he is 4 now.
Here's a pic from when we got him (I think it was the next day - he was so worried and uncomfortable, you can see it) 9th of December 2012:

Here he is once he had settled in a bit and his smile had appeared, 27th December 2012:

A couple of months later, 27th of March 2013 (he wasn't allowed off lead yet):

28th of May:

16th of August:

5th of October:

30th of November:

1st of February 2014:

22nd of February:

23rd of February (the most recent photo I have of him):

I find it truly amazing how much he has changed in personality and especially appearance. He has been an adult dog the entire time that we have had him but his coat has changed so much, I didn't really realise until I was looking at the old photo's.
Has anyone else adopted a dog and noticed a major change in their appearance despite them already being an adult at the time of adoption?