Cat Vs Dog A Contest


Honored Member
I had a cat once, years ago, that i had trained to do 3 tricks, ("bang!", beg, come) and i thought that was good, wow, this gal is great!! TOO CUTE!


Honored Member
I love Nana and Kaiser I've watched all their YouTube videos they are both so awsome especially Kaiser because he is a cat I've never seen one perform tricks like him.


Honored Member
Kaiser looks like a Bengal cat, they're a bit different from ordinary cats. For example one of my friends takes his Bengal cat swimming :rolleyes:, also it will climb into a cupboard and close the door behind itself :sneaky: , it also figured out how to open a can of lager (and got drunk) O_o.


That is absolutely fantastic training. I've never seen any cat (Bengal or otherwise) and few if any dogs that that can perform like that, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (y)


Experienced Member
I love Nana and Kaiser!

Before I got Missy I was constantly on their youtube channel/website getting inspired (I couldn't get enough of their videos!). They inspired me to...

1. get a border collie and...
2. ...train her in as many tricks as I can!

I did do my homework on the Border Collie before I jumped in paws first before getting Missy! So no worries there. ;)

Nana and Kaiser are amazing! I agree, running_dog. :)