Canine Vacuum?


New Member
My dog Hannah is a wonderful dog, she knows right from wrong and doesn't steal food off peoples plates or anything. But she has a serious problem with being hungry and thirsty ALL the time. She used to never be that way until about a year ago. And then she started sniffing the floors of the entire house looking for anything she could eat, she'll eat her dog food after we've filled her bowl within about an hour sometimes. She's gotten to where she tires to eat things like gravel, grass, and today I caught her trying to much down a bouncy ball. Pretty much if she can fit it in her mouth then she goes for it. We try our best to keep things away from her like that. And watch her when she's outside. But I'm worried she's going to choke on something, or eat something that will kill her. Is there some kind of condition that can cause this?



Honored Member
WOW, first off, i'd take her to the vet and rule out any new health problems, tell vet all about this.
How old is your dog?
Is she a proper weight?
What does she eat for her dog food? (specifically)

Is your dog bored outa her mind? any chance of that? Any changes in her world, where she is not getting two good long walks each day anymore? + vigorous play sessions, + some tricks training to give her a "job" or "something to do" or some way to use her mind to stave off the #1 dog complaint: BOREDOM?

Might not be boredom, but that dreaded boredom is often at the root of unwanted behaviors. We can give dogs stuff to do,:D or dogs will find their own ways to stay entertained.:cautious:


Honored Member
After you rule out

~health problems,
~and BOREDOM, by providing her with stuff you DO want her to do, and wear her OUT with exercise and tricks training,
and give the dog stuff she CAN chew on,

then, if your dog is still eating stuff nontop,
you will have to teach your dog the cue "Leave it" This is not how i taught the cue "Leave it" but this will work too:



Honored Member
OH nevermind, i just now see your other thread, you ARE teaching her tricks!! YAY!! that should help reduce boredom!!! good for you!!

Now i realize you have an older dog, too. The post below has some links to look over too, but year, you oughta discuss this with your vet.
Is your dog on any meds where this could be med-side effect?


Honored Member
Considering her age and the problem, *I* (I am probably wrong, don't take this too seriously:D) would guess diabetes. The over-eating and over-drinking and being hungry and thirsty all the time are symptoms of it. I am NOT saying that it is diabetes (I am NOT , under any circumstances, a professional) but you may want to consider this.(y) And like Tigerlily said, I would take her to the vet.


Honored Member
Have her blood checked by a vet. Older dogs can become diabetic. Some of the symptoms are drinking and overeating. Usually accompanied by weightloss, but that may happen much later.
It might also be that your dog is missing some nutricion in her diet, or, because of her age, her brain may be deteriorating(dementia)
But I couldn't tell you what it is. Take her to the vet and have her checked;)

The article Tigerlily linked to is good information, but for one thing... Don't use a remote punisher!!! Don't go buy a shock collar!


Honored Member
My last dog had diabetes for over 5 years, also due to being obese. But his obesity came from the use of medication(and a little by me feeding him, but due to the medication he just didnot loose weight, even with all the exercise he got. We used to go for 12 km bicyclerides)


Honored Member
yeah, Dogster, diabetes is a good guess, too, that would certainly explain the thirst!! In humans, if their blood sugar is too high, or too low, their minds are not clear, so if it is the same for canines ---that might explain the compulsive eating, too. And hunger goes with low sugars in humans.
That article has links on old age compulsive behavior, too.

did that ASPCA link have something about remote control collars??:eek: if so, wow, i'm against that, too.!!! I was following the links embedded in it on old age compulsive behaviors. Dawg, ya just can't trust anybody, that ASPCA is promoting remote control collars !!!??:mad: