
Jean Cote

Staff member
Hi Lizzy. In my opinion, the blog section was great. We could learn more about what the members were doing with their dogs, etc. But it was VERY confusing to members. I would see some training questions posted in blogs, or in comments of blogs. So I decided to make it easier for everyone and just have the discussion forums. And besides, you can share in the forums anything that you could in the blog, and more people will find it. It's a win-win if you ask me. :)


Experienced Member
Hmm. Well, from that perspective, I can understand that. When I'm the reader, I prefer reading a particular story straight through rather than reading intermittent comments, questions, and side conversations. If you consider having blogs again in the future, perhaps you could avoid that problem by...

1. disabling blog comments all-together.
2. instead of having the comment with the blog, have a comment link that creates a new forum thread that automatically puts the link to the blog in the body.

No biggie that they aren't here. The site is still excellent without it.

Thanks for everything!


Honored Member
Staff member
If they were to come back....may I recommend extremely strict requirements to post a blog?
Let's say, 1000 messages, member for at least 10 years, enter a passcode....
Lol, just kidding. Curse those spammers. ;)

Jean Cote

Staff member
LOL :) Yeah the blog section was not as secure as the forum so all the spam was going in there, unfortunately.


Staff member
I was on a forum that required 75 posts before being able to post pics or a link... too strict in my opinion... hard to give people training advice if you cant post links to pics or videos... But they dont get any spam! LOL