My dog began doing this for a while, cuz my guy, when handing Buddy a bit of steak,
hold the steak, forcing the dog to "taste" it and "not just swallow it"

, inadvertantly teaching Buddy that he
had to grab treats to get them...

which has nothing to do with your issue,

Mr Remi, but, i still find what my guy was doing unnnbelievable

After educating my guy
as a separate exercise from any trick,
just as an exercise to teach Budd HOW to take a treat properly,
I put treats in my hands, and closed my fist, and Buddy of course, began to chew around, work hard to get that treat released,
and ONLY gave the treat when he ignored my hand.
for a few days..
Buddy caught on pretty quickly, i was surprised. and
that was the end of "treat! treat! gnom gnom!" gnom on my hands..