Experienced Member
- Age - 3 in February
- Sex - female
- Favorite Food - love garlic sausage, chicken, mini cheese n ham bites
- List of Tricks - So far she knows 72 tricks
- Videos
53 - 72
- Toys - She likes her ball, tug and now frisbee
- Problems - She's a really really nervous and fearful dog I'm trying to help her improve
BlogsPaw page: http://community.blogpaws.com/profile/TiffanyArcher
Youtube address: http://www.youtube.com/user/alannadaine/videos?view=0
Bellas FB page: http://www.facebook.com/BellaTheBrilliantBorderCollie
Bella is the first dog I have trick trained
- Sex - female
- Favorite Food - love garlic sausage, chicken, mini cheese n ham bites
- List of Tricks - So far she knows 72 tricks
- Videos
53 - 72
- Toys - She likes her ball, tug and now frisbee
- Problems - She's a really really nervous and fearful dog I'm trying to help her improve
BlogsPaw page: http://community.blogpaws.com/profile/TiffanyArcher
Youtube address: http://www.youtube.com/user/alannadaine/videos?view=0
Bellas FB page: http://www.facebook.com/BellaTheBrilliantBorderCollie
Bella is the first dog I have trick trained