April Tricks!!!


Honored Member
That's great! :D
I have a question. When you teach the dog to go backwards around you and through your legs how do you tell it to go backwards instead of forwards since it seems that for those sort of tricks the hand movements look be the same unless you use a verbal cue (and if you did what, cue would you use to specify backwards vs forwards).


Experienced Member
For backward circles I use U TURN and for forward I use around, weave and eights. It took a lot of practice for her to know which one is which but she now knows the difference!!!:)
Thanks everyone for the nice comments!! :D


Honored Member
ok, thank you.
Once Holly has recovered from being spayed I'm going to teach her the weaving through legs, we tried it a couple of time with a treat before and she did it so I think she will pick it up pretty quickly and then she can learn it backwards :)


Honored Member
Love how she jumps over your back! Maybe you could teach her the backstall, where she stays on your back?
I am teacing Jinx that now, before i go on to jumping over my back.;)


Honored Member
It took a long time for her to feel comfortable to get on my back. I am still down on my hands and knees:D But slowly moving up higher. Now the weather is getting better I will be training it more. I have been training it in the house, but we have gotten to a stage where we need more room.
I have laminate flooring in the kitchen and livingroom, so we can't do it there. And my hallway is just too small:confused:
Something I would LOVE to teach is a footstall, but I am nit quite sure how to go about training this. I have been looking at several tutorials, but I don't feel up to it yet.
But it would be my ULTIMATE trick to do!;)


Experienced Member
Great tricks dogcrazy!!!!!(y) Carmel has a awesome jump, definately gonna work on Ripley with the backstall and jumping over my back. You have a very willing, intelligant dog there! Great work!:)