Another Newbie!


New Member
I just found this site, and I love it. I'm starting over with a puppy - who is not so much of a puppy anymore since he'll be 1 year at the end of the month. I had forgotten how much fun they are and what spirit they bring to your life. I had 2 of my older dogs die in the past 1-1/2 years and that about broke my heart.

I compete in agility and obedience and I love teaching my dogs tricks.

Thanks for a great site.



Honored Member
Staff member
Welcome to the Academy Mary!! Is your current dog going to be an agility/obedience competitor? My dearest apologies about your other two dogs. It is so hard to lose your canine buddies.
You will not have any trouble finding tricks to teach your dog here. With the classroom, the monthly training challenges, and the creativity of our many members, your imagination can run wild thinking of new tricks. Hope you enjoy the site, and good luck to you and your dog!


Well-Known Member
Hi Mary,
welcome to the academy! You have found a great site for teaching tricks. The members here are so supportive and very knowledgeable. I would love to hear some of your agility and obedience stories.


New Member
Thanks for the welcome. Yes, new dog is going to compete in agility and obedience. I've already started training and will compete in Rally soon. We have just started agility training, although we've been working on foundation stuff since he was a baby. He's a bright, fun dog and we are having a blast.
