Amazing Bc


Well-Known Member
I love this video, the camera work is amazing and Zoe is spectacular!

There are a couple things I'll be teaching Siren when she's old enough since it'll be unlikely she'll go over 18.1kg --That foot rebound is one. I'd try with Thor but a 29kg dog is knocking me down if I'm balanced on one leg.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could teach Levi some of those rebounding and balancing tricks but he is 65# (29.5 kg) He would totally hurt me. Sounds like Levi and Thor are about the same size. I even have a hard time doing thru the legs with Levi cuz he's so big. It's ok tho, the trade off and an awesomely furry cuddle buddy. lol


Well-Known Member
I have trouble with Cop Cop with Thor because he's so heavy boned and the way he lines up with my knees I have to have my feet too far apart for him to get his feet on mine.


Well-Known Member
I haven't even tried cop cop. Levi has knocked me on the floor a couple times just getting him to do a figure 8 thru my legs.


Honored Member
Loved the vid. Zoe is awesome! The rebound trick, I think my boy could do it, but could I take his weight? Don't think so darn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!