Academy Guestmap


Honored Member
:goodpost: wow this is awesome!! This is easy to miss, maybe this should be on front portal page!!? :rules: How amazing this website is, going all around the world!!!:great:


Well-Known Member
What a neat concept! You really see how global this site is when you get an actual visual like that.


Honored Member
Does this map show up when people are first signing up to be members? HOpe so, i love this map thing. Wish more people would show where they are from.


Honored Member
I still wish this here map was on our "home" page, i just love this map thing, and wish more folks would sign on it. I think a lotta folks don't realize there IS a map thing.


Honored Member
Jackienmutts, i had SAME reaction, when i ever accidentally found this map!! I think it's GREAT and wish Jean could find a way to make the map more prominent, :msnohyes:maybe right on homepage or something, or maybe create a lil 'sign' like those signs that say "Lounge", "Library", etc etc, have one that says "Member Map" or something.

I really am impressed with the global membership of this great website, and would so enjoy having that map be more easy to notice!!! I think right up front somewhere would be so neat!!