Very Good Training Techniques


New Member
I have recently begun a training program. I have heard about it from my closest friend and it is wonderful for me and my precious Cesar.I realized that most of the people including me don't know how to train their dog. I think we can avoid behavior problems with a good training program. I have a little labrador retriever and we begin a wonderful training program in this website.I learned that training is very important and we should be careful not to teach our dogs bad behavior.

They said that dogs always observe us and learn everything, but they have different perceptions, so they sometimes learn something we don't want. This is really interesting and I think it might be true. I bought my training program in this website and it is really good for us. He begin to learn some basic commands, and my children love that :) I think you should take a look at it.


Well-Known Member
I read your website and it is really good and you are right that our dogs need good training. Actually I have two dogs and both are so adorable. I have trained the older one at home and I found no problem with that but when I thought of training the younger one too at home it created a lot of problem and at last IO have to consult to a trainer for him. I got him trained from the Boom Towne and after that I found that it act according to the commands and do not show bad behavior and hence it is observed by me that it is really very necessary to get them trained in order to avoid their bad behavior.