Two Guys From San Diego


Well-Known Member
Just found this place... I see I'm not the only one who has a dog that likes to learn and screw around.
My dog is an Australian Shepherd, on the small side, Milo. He's 2 1/2. We've been learning tricks and screwing around for about a year and a half. Some tricks are: sit, stay, down, roll over, beg, stand up, jump while standing, stand on back legs and walk, spin left and right while standing, spin left and right, shake with both paws, high five, jump up or down on or from anything, crawl under anything, backup, heel, walk between my legs, weave between my legs, weave between anything (parking blocks, poles, benches), speak, howl. He's quick to learn and we like to add things to the list so when we're blasting through a college campus, theres always something to have fun with.
We like to go to schools or anywhere where there are lots of big blocks, benches, stairs to jump on and off, bounce off, climb up, and do tricks on top of, underneath, up or down from... I guess I'd call it freestyle trick agility?
Working on backing up towards me from a distance, the faster the better.
I have a small workshop where I restore cars for a living, the dog is always with me... it seems to work out for us.
Some pictures of my friend - his nose has been filling in, so the pinker the nose, the older the picture.



Honored Member
Hi and Welcome!!!!!!!!:) Milo is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!:love: And a very impressive trick list(y):)

Love the pics, especially the one where he's got his feet over the fence railings. :love:

You two must have a real blast together!!!!!!!!!!:D