

Honored Member
So I need a little help with training my dogs. I need help training them to stay in positions longer and a release word


Honored Member
Here is one of my dog training heros, kikopup vid on stay:
You get to pick your own release word, i think.

I vary from video above, because i DO use the word 'STAY', and did not teach my dogs that sit means sit til you are released. He knows "stay".
It hasn't confused my dog.
but, above method can still be used, if you do choose to use word "stay" instead of just training all positions mean they are held until released.

either way, seems ok to me, imo.


Honored Member
If you still are having specific problem, and can't see the answer to it (happens to all of us, sooner or later!!)
be sure to post it!
someone else might have a good idea...or maybe had same problem...