Balance Balls


Experienced Member
I 'm using different balance balls so Dazzle can do some tricks on them. The balls vary from small ones where she only has to putt one paw on to big ones where she can stand on completly.
I also like to work with the balance ball so she can improve her balance, mussle strenght and body awereness.
Next to that, it's a though training, so she only stands up ro one minute on a ball, and then she rests for atleast one minute.

So, are there more doggie balance fans out there? :D


Experienced Member
Yes Mazzel and I :)
I have two balance balls (big ones). Balancing on top of the ball with all paws is very intensive so I only do that 1/2 times per session.
Balance boards also seem great for exercises, but they are a bit expensive so still looking for one for a nice price.
I also use the balls for treibball (mostly with Boef but also a bit with Mazzel).


Experienced Member
I like to this sooo much!!
Have a big round, peanutt shaped and a egg shaped ball for her. I'm looking for a air matress, but I would like t better when that's only halve the sice. That one i want to pump up halve.