Well-Known Member
I had a disasterous day yesterday at the intro to working trials .. the test was ridiculous for a 5 month old puppy. We were told no use of food either ..
Heelwork off lead in and unfenced field with horses outside in a neighbouring field. Oh and around 20 dogs off leash doing their advanced work.
A retrieve (I wasnt even told to bring a toy with me)
A 3 minute sit stay with your back to the dog
and lots of other stuff I cant even remember.
I told the instructor I didnt want to do it but he insisted Dude had a go, so I unclipped the leash and said confidently 'Dude, Close' but I may as well have said run riot cos he charged straight over to the dogs in the advanced class and caused havoc. There was mud and turf flying everywhere as he charged around amongst all the Rotties, GSD's Dobermanns and Collies. All the spectators were splattered with mud and cow poo too .. When I managed to get him back (no he didnt come, I had to charge across the field and get him) I looked the examiner straight in the eye and said 'Well what do you reckon .. have I passed?' Everyone collapsed with laughter. :msngiggle: Dude looked up at me like a naughty schoolboy with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth and I knew then, even if he never makes a working trials dog it doesnt matter cos he is everything I want. Silly pup that he is! :dogtongue2:
Incidently, the instructor did say he loved the way he got his nose down and began to track so happily and that he thinks when I have some kind of 'control' he could make a wonderful WT dog so maybe there is hope for us yet .. Now .. where did I put that long line? Lol! :dogwink:
Heelwork off lead in and unfenced field with horses outside in a neighbouring field. Oh and around 20 dogs off leash doing their advanced work.
A retrieve (I wasnt even told to bring a toy with me)
A 3 minute sit stay with your back to the dog
and lots of other stuff I cant even remember.
I told the instructor I didnt want to do it but he insisted Dude had a go, so I unclipped the leash and said confidently 'Dude, Close' but I may as well have said run riot cos he charged straight over to the dogs in the advanced class and caused havoc. There was mud and turf flying everywhere as he charged around amongst all the Rotties, GSD's Dobermanns and Collies. All the spectators were splattered with mud and cow poo too .. When I managed to get him back (no he didnt come, I had to charge across the field and get him) I looked the examiner straight in the eye and said 'Well what do you reckon .. have I passed?' Everyone collapsed with laughter. :msngiggle: Dude looked up at me like a naughty schoolboy with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth and I knew then, even if he never makes a working trials dog it doesnt matter cos he is everything I want. Silly pup that he is! :dogtongue2:
Incidently, the instructor did say he loved the way he got his nose down and began to track so happily and that he thinks when I have some kind of 'control' he could make a wonderful WT dog so maybe there is hope for us yet .. Now .. where did I put that long line? Lol! :dogwink: