the best way to get rick of a behavior is to ignore it and/or make it harder to do. what is making her jump? is she hopping up on her hind legs to get nearer your face or treats or hands? or is she just excited and she comes and hops around? a lot of people when teaching new things do something with their body that encourages jumping or getting nearer your face.
if you are bending over or leaning toward the dog or getting to excited making high voiced noises etc this could be over exciting the dog or encouraging a jump. a lot of people don't realize they are doing it. sometimes just sitting on the floor to start will discourage a jump because they don't need to jump to be near your face. keep your voice calm and don't get too excited. don't hold the treat out and up too long if that makes her jump.
think about it and see if you can come up with why she might be jumping. the alternative is that you do it a completely different way and see if that works. i don't know if you use a clicker but i think this is the easiest way to say CLICK and the dog understands at this very second I am doing just what my mom/dad wants and i get a treat for it. otherwise if they are hopping around all excited they may not know when you say good exactly what they were doing when you said good. the more clear you are about it the faster she will learn. when you click you don't even need to say good because the treat is the reward. if talking is exciting her that is another way to keep 4 on the floor.
start by luring the dog with a piece of meat or cheese (very good stinky treat). let the dog see the treat and put her nose on it but keep your fingers over it and don't let her have it. then slooowly raise it up just a little, not much but just enough that she has to put her butt on the floor but front paws don't need to come off the floor to get the treat. don't take too long or she'll give up. it's a timing thing not too fast; not too slow.
if those front paws come off the floor then pull the treat away calmly up behind ur back, stand straight, wait a few seconds until puppy calms down and take a step back so that she has to stand again to follow you. you may have to turn sideways every time she jumps and don't stare at her. this isn't a big move and you don't even need to move your feet much just slight rotate shoulders and hips away and back. no jerking or things that look like excitement or play. eye contact can cause jumping too so look away as you turn and ignore all jumping. don't say no, don't push away, just turn enough to the side in a small calm move and look away and turn back.
again put the treat just in front of her nose and very slowly raise it. by going slow you encourage a sit because it's much easier to balance and get her nose higher by sitting than by standing on two legs. if the treat is just high enough to sit and reach it's probably too low to get to if her front legs leave the ground.
just as her butt hits the floor click/treat. you need to be fast and ready on that clicker. I don't put word cues to any behavior until the dog does what i lure about 80% of the time. when we get to that point say the word just before the behavior occurs. in this case just before she starts to put her butt down say sit in a pitch that makes the end of the word lower in tone than the start. you don't want it to sound like a question siT? but like a calm but gentle single tone or downward lower pitch ending word. enunciate it well so the dog hears the s and the t and not too fast but conversationally. say it the same way every time because the dog doesn't necessarily know the word but will learn the tone, speed, inflection all as a sound.
if she jumps just remove the treat behind your back out of sight, i usually keep the clicker and treat behind my back as the dog gets better and quit luring so that my hands aren't giving different messages than my mouth is. for now you lure, add the word cue at 80% success, and when you get 100% success you stop luring and just say sit, click just as she goes to sit and treat within 2 seconds. reward at 100% until you feel the sit is solid then you can stop clicking and fade the treats over time. if she backslides then you faded the treats too fast.
if she's still jumping with a lure try teaching a down first by luring, lowering the treat slowly to the floor so that puppy has to lie down to get to it. don't click until elbows and butt are on the floor. I usually also want the dog to roll onto a hip in the back too so that they don't pop right back up again. to get the roll, you can move the treat just past one shoulder or the other, most dogs will prefer one side when the lie down so move the treat toward their rear at nose level after they lay down and as the head turns they will roll onto one hip.
then from the down lure a sit, the odds are that she won't jump if she's coming into the sit from a down position. with a puppy i sit on the floor to do this because it's easier and usually less exciting than if i am stooping over her. if she jumps you may have to stand. don't repeat sit sit SIT! or you will teach her to sit when you say sit sit sit. Once she knows the lure game Say sit once, if she doesn't do it move around a bit and change position or reset and say sit again. Some trainers say never repeat and some allow for it if you reset or change things a bit. I tend to be more on the not repeat side for a beginner puppy. If she's not doing it the first time you probably need to get a better treat (like chicken or roast), keep luring a little longer, or be in a very undistracting place like a quiet room.
how many things to teach? well after you get the foundation stuff like sit, down, come, and the dog figures out that following the food and doing things gets clicks and treats you can add more and more. For a puppy I might start out with just sit and down. once she gets that i might add 3-6 more simple things one at a time like turn right in a circle and left by luring around and click/treat. if this dog were a year old like yours you can add as many as your dog is having fun doing. her attention span will be longer than a puppy's and she can understand more.
keep training short and do it several times a day. instead of a marathon 15 minutes do 2-3 minute sessions 2-3 times a day and your results will be much better. make them all a little different.
do it when she's good and hungry and not really tired or excited, start inside with low distractions so you have her attention. always stop while she still wants more so that she's raring to go next time. if she loses interest or wanders away you did too much, try not to let that happen. my 1 year old does about 20 or so things when i train now and they aren't always the same things. make it different enough that it's interesting and the dog has to think. the more you make them think the more interested they stay because it's not the same old routine. sit, down, shake, roll over not only is boring but you end up with a dog that can only do things in one order. if your dog loses interest fast your rate of click treat isn't fast enough, give her faster easier things that are short clicks. don't expect her to heel for 20 feet but maybe 2-3 steps.
i agree that teaching sit now is probably a little premature and you need to work up to that. learning that this new game of i ask you to do things and you get treats and play for doing it requires some self discipline and patience on ur dog's part. until she gets that patience down and learns how to learn from you a stay is a lot to ask. wait on that a bit and work on the basic stuff. once you get those things on word cue and pretty successful then you can work up to stays and such. it depends on your dog-when you learn to read her right - when she's bored, alert, interested you'll do the best. end on a good note and a successful one. don't be tempted to try for one more good sit when you just got a great one. stop there and give a great jackpot, maybe a little play then do a down etc.
one thing about Sib's is the intense need to run and run and get loads of exercise. you'll find that if she gets more exercise she'll learn faster because she'll be less hyper and more attentive.
good luck and have fun teaching. there are loads of good clicker books if you aren't familiar with clickers and want to read. is a great free site with lots of tips and they do carry books to order, have advice, and it's all positive reinforcement based training.