Wax For Dogs Paws


Experienced Member
Right Bella and Jenny have got sore paws from yesterday kind of like when we get carpet burn. Well I've been googling dog paw wax type stuff.
Does that help with preventing that. Bella tends to get it a bit so anything that protects her paws would be something to try. Boots would be a last resort as i dont think she would like them.
If the wax stuff works any that are better than others??


Honored Member
Hmm.... Don't know about wax but I have a paw cream for Shivon in the winter cuz of the salt.:cautious:


Well-Known Member
A paw wax that is recommended by malamute people is:

Mushers Secret is a waxed foot preparation for the treatment of sore pads.100% natural waxes for all-season paw protection. Protects dog's feet against saltburn and hot asphalt in the Summer. Excellent paw protection on hot abrasive surfaces. For protection and soothing relief from fly bitten ears, open sores, cracked toes, nicks, scratches and burns. Non-toxic, breathable and does not stain. Hope that helps :)