Training In Languages: French, Italian, German, Etc.


Experienced Member
My high school French teacher gave me the idea of teaching my dogs commands in other languages. The only problem with that is I don't know anything other than a little French. I would love to teach my dogs in French, Italian, German, Romanian, and Gaelic. I know the last two are a little far fetched, but I was hoping that there would be someone who visits this site that could at least get me started. I'm confident about French pronunciations, but not the other languages, so phonetic pronunciation would be wonderful.

I have list of some tricks/ commands that my dogs know, but any additions would be welcome because I would like to teach them more tricks. Also, any other languages would be appreciated as well. I'm not sure of the maximum commands dogs can learn, and I know it's different for every dog, but I would like to try none the less.

Here goes my first list in French. I think the words are right, but I'm not sure about the conjugation. I have other lists, but I want to see how this one goes before I post the rest.
  • Back up- Recule
  • Bow- Salue
  • Catch- Attrape
  • Come- Ici
  • Drop it- Donne
  • Eat- Mange
  • Fetch- Cherche
  • Give it- Donne
  • Go in- Entre
  • Go out- En vant
  • Good- Bon
  • Lie down- Couche
  • Leave it- Liasse le
  • Let's go- Allons-y
  • Look at me- Regarder moi
  • No- Non
  • Off- Decends
  • Play dead- Faire le mort
  • Quiet- Silencieux
  • Roll over- Retourne
  • Shake hands- Serre
  • Sit- Asseoir
  • Smile- Sourir
  • Speak- Parle
  • Stand- Leve
  • Stay- Reste
  • Stop- Arrête
  • Take it- Prend
  • Touch- Touche
  • Wait- Attendre
  • Yes- Oui


Experienced Member
You could use "speak" or "hello" as bounjouir (lol,is that how it's spelt?)
We do french at school too :)


Experienced Member
My sister's old bordercollie knew at least 70+ tricks,so the number of tricks shouldn't be a problem,You could do it in Thai too,I could help you with the words,but they are quite difficult to pronounce,one english word can equil up to 6 thai words :/


Experienced Member
I would love to teach them in Thai, but I'm not sure I could handle it. :) You could post it anyway, because I'm sure someone would love to try it.

I didn't think about teaching the cute cues. My words for tricks are very boring and standard, but I'm always looking to change to more interesting ones.

Jean Cote

Staff member
Reminds me of buying an already trained German Shepherd and the dog only knew the commands in German! ah ah


Experienced Member
I would imagine that I would be very upset. :D The dog would be smarter than most of the people I know.


Experienced Member
"Sky" only speaks french with Sky. Karleee - Bonjour :) .

I was really tempted to teach Oka in German and English - except i don't think i can remember enough German!! Though Maybe i'll change her recall work to german for "come"...


Staff member
Mewzard- "Come" in German is Hier just like here but with a rolled 'r.' German and English are actually very similar. I speak a little German but not a lot, just what I remember from high school.

This is the best place I know for finding different languages witht the pronouncation attached.

If anybody needs help pronoucing German, Spanish, Russian or Japanese commands I'd be able to help.


Experienced Member
Charmedwolf I would love german and russian (but I'm a little intimidated by russian). The website you suggested is AWESOME! The only problem is that some of my French commands aren't the same, and I had my French teacher look over them. I don't know if I'm using the right word because for example there are separate words for live, as in be alive, and to live in every sense of the word. I'm worried this will happen with a language that I don't know, so I won't catch the problem.


Well-Known Member
I can help you with Slovenian commands if you are interested in another uncommon language :)
I also speak a little German but not very well:(


Staff member
Maybe I should teach my deaf dogs another language... sorry just had to LOL. I know someone doing Schutzhund that has taught her dog in German... I dont really see the point, except tradition, I guess.


Experienced Member
I use French and English in different contexts so I can have different behaviours.
Laramie, here are corrections I made to your list just in case you want the correct French words, but there again, your dog does not really mind ;)

  • Back up- Recule
  • Bow- Salue
  • Catch- Attrape
  • Come- Ici -> Viens
  • Drop it- Donne -> Pose
  • Eat- Mange
  • Fetch- Cherche -> Va chercher
  • Give it- Donne
  • Go in- Entre -> this is correct but I use "Dedans"
  • Go out- En vant -> Sors or Dehors
  • Good- Bon -> what do you mean ? Good is either Bon or Bien
  • Lie down- Couche -> Couché
  • Leave it- Liasse le -> Tu laisses
  • Let's go- Allons-y -> On y va
  • Look at me- Regarder moi -> Regarde-moi
  • No- Non
  • Off- Déscends
  • Play dead- Fais le mort
  • Quiet- Silencieux -> Tais-toi
  • Roll over- Retourne -> Roule
  • Shake hands- Serre -> in French we as a dog Donne la patte
  • Sit- Asseoir -> Assis
  • Smile- Sourir -> Souris
  • Speak- Parle
  • Stand- Leve -> Debout
  • Stay- Reste -> this is correct, some people also use Pas Bouger
  • Stop- Arrête -> just use Stop
  • Take it- Prend
  • Touch- Touche
  • Wait- Attendre -> Attends
  • Yes- Oui


Experienced Member
The reason why I use French and English is no real reason ! lol

I tend to use English at herding and French is usual life or for tricks BUT, I have some french terms at herding as well because they sound better in French and Fly understands them better (that was the case with "out", she would not understand it so I use "file"). For tricks it all depends if the french word is already used for another cue, then I'll use english. For example, I ask "recule" for backing up but if I want Fly to back on a stair, I'll use "back on" so she knows she has something to target with her hind legs.

Appart from that, Fly know how to lie down and walk toward the herd with english and french cues, as well as signs and whisle :)


Experienced Member
Spanish - I don't know a lot of Spanish but here are some words.
  • Eat- (Comer- to eat) Come pronounced like Co-may
  • Good- Bueno
  • Let's go- Vamenos
  • Look at me- Mire
  • No- No
  • Quiet- quiete
  • Sit- Sientate
  • Speak- habla
  • Take it- Tocar Toce
  • Yes- Si


Honored Member
I don't see the point, either, human language is already a "new" language to the DOG. Your dog ALREADY knows "two" languages,
#1) He speaks dog
#2) he knows some english as well.
MOre fun, is YOU learning to speak "dog". for real, dogs can understand humans using some of their dog-language.

I am trying to picture, if i taught Buddy "come" in english,
and then also expected him to come when he hears some other word, as well,.............i think it would simply be teaching the dog to memorize TWO words for EACH trick.

Still, i much applaud YOU learning two languages, but i don't see the advantage to the dog, except that the dog will come to learn, that old well-known cues are subject to change....that previously meaningless words will be expected to elicit a cue.


Experienced Member
Like Fly said, she uses the same word in two different languages for two different actions. It would be like teaching "wait" and "stay" which are the same action, but a different meaning. Or, I could teach each dog in a different language. For instance, if I want Fairley to chase the frisbee and I tell Sparrow to stay, Fairley stays as well. It's also something "new" for them to learn and keep them busy and thinking. As for speaking "dog" I have several books on the subject and I'm constantly trying to pay attention to what they're saying.

Teaching them commands in another language doesn't mean they will come to believe that the cues that they know are subject to change and previous words will not become meaningless. I haven't begun teaching them yet, but I wouldn't teach cues that could mean life and death in more than one language because I want them to be reliable.

Also, if I do become a trainer, I will have the ability to teach a dog and an owner commands in other languages, if they would like. Many people want to teach their dogs in German, and this way, they would be able to teach tricks as well as basic commands.

Fly, thank you so much for correcting my French. I know my dogs won't care if they're correct, but it will help my French. My French teacher taught us that commands are given in the singular "you" form (I don't know what else to call it), so that's why I conjugated the words the way I did.