Hi Hannah
He'll graduate with Hons that's for sure

He sure is advanced, kudos to your training you're certainly doing everything right!
With shake, what I did was to get Ra Kismet (my youngster)was to 'target' my right hand (no treats in my hand then) (free shaping with a little help) with his right paw, sitting opposite him of course . When he did so I'd take his paw and use the cue 'shake', then click/treat. He now does shake with the right paw, also with a different cue he'll offer left paw, then both paws. With offering left paw then both paws, I used the same method, but when wanting his left paw I used my left hand, as opposed to my right hand for shake and both my hands for both paws of course. With Zeus (my 12 year old who in the past only wanted to learn the basics he left advanced tricks to his late sister) I have had to physically pick up his right paw and say shake. Now he offers it without any cue, unless you count the minute I put on the trick bag

So with Mylo as he's such a smart chap, I would offer my right hand and see if he figures it out for himself. He most likely will because Ra Kismet basically did that when I offered my hand as a 'target' he immediately put his right paw into it. But if Mylo hesitates, as he's been trained not to paw your hand, then I would pick up his paw, as I did with Zeus. Oh yes, keep you hand open palm up, it's inviting to the dog, if you use the 'target'/free shaping method.
Weave is a good one for Mylo, it's fun and impressive

Figure eight is another.
As he's such a quick learner and has a good idea he has a 'rear end' I would also work on cop cop with him.
Pee is another trick, this is a bit trickier LOL even for the boys.
You could also do 'pat down' if you feel his hind legs are developed enough. This does require good muscle development and strength in the hind legs, he may be a little young for this trick, as his bones are still soft etc. more one to keep in mind for the future. Just thought I'd throw it in as we're about to start learning that one
Say your prayers. He needn't stand right up as my boy does (as I said previously he did this naturally) Mylo can do this from the sit pretty position which will not put strain on his young hind legs.
Play dead (I chain this with roll over and crawl).
That's something else you could do, start to chain together the tricks he already knows, it keeps training sessions fun and interesting for you both.
Free shaping is great, that really makes the dog work. Jean suggests having a 'vision' yourself of what you would like to see the dog do, and it does help.
You could also do jump through your arms, keeping your arms down low, don't want to strain his young legs. As he develops you can then move up higher with your arms.
Jump through a hoop, not held too high as he's still developing.
Peekaboo you can do that with stand, walk and sit. My older boy's learned that one as it's easy and no strain on his legs.
Keep me posted, as Mylo learns new tricks, I'll keep my thinking cap on and post some more

And do let us all know when he graduates, so exciting a new grad on the forum!
