Hi There from New Zealand


New Member
I have just heard about this awesome site, Its great to bee able to keep in touch with other Dog lovers out there. I have a StaffyX and were both beginning agility, so far has been a lot of fun, definitly a great way to bond with your dog!!(tho comps are a bit nerve racking!!)
Were always keen to leran new tricks, which she definitly enjoys!!:dogtongue2:

Jean Cote

Staff member
Hi Karlene! :welcome: to the academy!! I'm curious, where did you hear about this website? :)

I wish you tons of fun training your dog!! And keep us updated on her progress! :)


New Member
I was googleing dog training advice and this website popped up, and this one website could answer all my questions, and give me new ideas

Jean Cote

Staff member
Ah good stuff!! We are constantly working to make it even better!!!!! :) More videos to be added real soon!