Hi from the UK from a newbie


New Member
I joined about a month ago when we got our newest dog as we had started to take her to clicker training and we were both loving it so I thought I would see what was on the web for training.
We now have three GSD's

Ben is a standard coated GSD male who is now a spritly 10 years old, who we have had since he was 18 months old. Ben came with Sam from a rescue centre who were going to seperate them to rehome them until Ben destroyed his nose on the first night trying to get into the kennel next door where Sam was.
Sam is a white GSD male who is now a very doddery and deaf 13 year old now.

We have now also got Riley who is somewhere between 4-6 years old who was a stray from another rescue centre and is also a white GSD. We have had her about 2 months now and considering she didn't even have a name when we got her she is responding to us really well.

Both the boys came to us reasonably trained so they never went to classes, they have their small quirks (Sam doesn't like black or brown labs but is fine with everything else :msnrolleyes: and Ben always barks when people first come to the house and likes to meet all passing dogs when we are out) but nothing that we have ever really worried about.

Riley is a bit different though, she seems to get randomly over excited about meeting other dogs when she sees them at a distance and starts pulling and barking like a maniac :dogph34r: but when you let her near a dog she is fine just has a quick sniff and walks on so no aggression and sometimes she isn't even bothered at a distance.
Due to lots of things about her the rescue think she may have been a breeding bitch at a puppy farm and so never got out to socalise when she was younger.
She is responding well to training and does a lovely sit, down and paw. The recall is getting better although still no luck if their is a major distraction but we are working up to it. Her most resistent thing is stay, trying to get her to sit or lie while I even take two steps away is impressive at the moment.

Anyway enough about our pack here is what you really want, loads of pictures:-

Sam with his favourite toy

Sam having a snooze

Benny relaxing with his devoted Dad

Ben lying in the field part of our garden

Ben in the flower border at our old house

Boys sharing the bed (no room for us)

I think we need a bigger sofa :rotflmao:

Sam and Riley needing a rest after playing

Riley snoring after lying down for two seconds

Sam falling asleep

Boys on a day out with their dad

Sam loves riding around in things whether it be a trailer behind our quad, the back of the pickup or just riding up and down on the tail lift of the rental truck we had when we moved. Here he is in the pickup down in our wood.

Riley enjoying her first ride in the motor home

Riley having a rest in the van

Everyone at the top of the cliffs at Charmouth

The lovely Sam

Riley watching Col

OK, hope I haven't overloaded the system :msnblushing:


Experienced Member
Smashing pics - what I and half the other dog owners round here would give for a field like that to exercise and train our dogs.
