Hi From Australia


New Member
Hi I'm Chris and my dog is Dash, a 5yo Jack Russell. I fell in love with my Dashy when I rescued him from the pound. He's a fun, cuddly friend. Have taught him basic manners with food, now found Jean's website and want to teach Dashy some tricks. When my kids are a little older, I want to get Dashy into some agility work too.


Experienced Member
Welcome, Chris and Dash. This is a great resource for all kinds of training. I hope you find what you are looking for.


Honored Member
Hi Dash and Chris:) Thank you for rescuing Dash, lots of rescue dogs on this forum, he sounds a gorgeous little boy. Bet he's full of life being a JR:)

Just a word of warning about Agility work, do make sure the club is Positive Reinforcement Training, some are anything but and also, the vet technician has pulled her dogs out of Agility because they are making the jumps too high for safety. So investigate well. You could make your own Agility course which is what I've done for my gal.