I'm teaching Buddy this one, and he is TOO fast for me to pass the treat from my left hand to my right hand, SO what i did is rub something kinda smelly (i handled some cooked liver, that did the trick! another time, i put a dab of peanut butter in each palm). Buddy has come to understand his treat is delivered after trick is done, his treat is in dish next to us. My hands are actually empty now, but Buddy wont' do the 8 yet without my motioning the hand-pass of a fake treat. Ha.
Using just a scent, i don't have to try to 'pass' the treat from one hand to the other. Buddy was just too fast, he'd almost hafta pause, or steal the treat as i passed it hand to hand.
A toy might be better...bigger and easier for me to pass, i'll try that.
Buddy's cue for this is "LOOP" said in kinda weird tone, and i stand with feet apart.
So far, Buddy can do one figure 8 at top speed, and i want to begin to walk along and have him still doing this. Buddy does not know this is my plan yet, ha ha!
HOWEVER, AT THIS POINT, BUDDY IS STILL CHASING A TREAT and i am hoping then, that i won't hafta keep the luring going. That i'll be able to switch from fake-luring to just a verbal cue.
Even Buddy knows there is no treat in my hand, but he needs to pretend we are luring. ha ha! hmmm. maybe i messed this up somehow. guess i'll go back and review the classroom tapes and see where i messed up. Or maybe it's too soon yet to move to verbal cue only?