Hello from Kirby and Anne

anne w

New Member
Hi Everyone,

I recently took my standard schnazuer, Kirby, to visit my uncle in the nursing home. My uncle sleeps a lot, but loves it when I bring the dogs (we also have a miniature schnauzer, Oliver). Kirby just turned 2 in May and I love working with him because he catches on quickly. So, we have a very small series of tricks we do for Uncle Bob: sit, down, sit up, stand up on hind legs and catch the treat. Kirby will also jump through a hula hoop. I have taken him to several obedience classes (my favorite) and a little agility (he likes it up to a point). His all-time favorite activity is chasing a ball. (Oliver likes that, too.) Even at 6 months Kirby was easy to train and I was thinking it would be nice if I had a few more tricks for Uncle Bob.

I have a very busy life (horses, too) and so I'm hoping I can find some things that aren't too complicated. I have used a clicker, but mostly I just give a lot of praise and treats, and Kirby responds well to that. I did a Google search and this site looked the most inviting.

Thank you,

Anne & Kirby

P.S. Oliver is wonderful, too. However, he is not into tricks--just throw that ball!!