Conjunctivitis: Antibiotics vs. Herbal Remedy?

brenda taulbee

New Member
Hello all,
Well, our problem-prone pup has another ailment. As far as we can tell little Kenzii has a case of conjunctivitis, or pinkeye. She's been sensitive to light, and when she wakes up in the morning her eyes are gooped up. I've been doing some online research on treatment options, and from what I've gathered we can treat her eyes with vet-prescribed antibiotics or treat them with a natural remedy sold in some pet stores, as well as on the internet. I was just wondering if anyone else has had a goopy-eyed dog, and how you treated it.



New Member
Eyes are pretty delicate and valuable anatomical parts. You don't get a whole lot of second chances if there is a serious problem present.

Before any treatment of any ailment is begun, it is common sense to get as accurate a diagnosis as possible. With inflamed eyes, etc., this will probably entail a physical exam of the globe and conjunctiva, the use of an ophthalmoscope to determine whether or not interior inflammation is present, then perhaps a microscopic exam of the discharge to check for the presence and type of bacteria (rods, cocci, etc.), and possibly a stain of the cornea to make sure there is no corneal ulceration present. At this point, your vet is able to make recommendations for appropriate treatment.

If you blindly treat with over the counter stuff, you risk treating for the wrong problem at best, and delaying treatment, resulting in permanent damage, at worst. I strongly urge you to consult your vet for assistance.

Yes, dogs do get over a lot of problems by themselves (with or without herbal treatment) but I've seen enough permanent damage to eyes due to treatment delay to feel that it is just not worth the risk.

I have a friend who thought her horse's eye problem was pretty minor so did not seek treatment, just rinsed with artificial tears--the horse has now made three trips to University,
has lost about 50% of its vision in that eye, and it looks as though the eye may require removal. And it really didn't look bad externally at all when it started!

Better safe than sorry!!! Please see your vet.